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WhatsApp Image 2021-04-16 at

My Story


My spiritual awakening has been intense, as, up to the age of 46 I had no knowledge of my spirituality, I was closed off to it, I knew I was different although, I couldn't quite put my finger on it.


They say in just one moment your life can change course forever, I wholeheartedly believe this to be true.


From being someone who had never really thought about the spiritual side of our reality, I had no choice but to adapt daily, whilst also having to accept the real truth behind the veil.

My world became full of spiritual experiences. 

Without warning or notion, my beliefs & how I perceived everything,

changed instantly.


Things are sent to test our will, enveloping us in spaces of great pain, where the acceptance and acknowledgment of deep inner truths,

IS the only journey forward.

Truths that may be buried so deep, we have no memory of them until divinely, they are bought back into our consciousness, giving us no choice, but to go there....and to HEAL.


I believe ALL of us are divinely guided on a moment-to-moment basis, from our Guiding Angels to our Spirit Guides, to our loved ones, who in spirit, continuously watch over us, helping us to grow, awaken & heal.

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